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Servo Chart

The Gigantic Servo Chart

Here's a large list of the major brands of servos and comparative data for use in planes and other r/c models. These are all the ones I could find on the Internet and from manufacturers data sheets. I found that many of the numbers were wrong in different places, including the manufacturers specifications which had typographical errors too... Sorry, as I just don't own every servo where I can verify those numbers AND there just are so many new servos coming from China that I simply can't keep up with all the new ones.

Most servo manufacturers make their servos look better by advertising the torque and speed ratings at 6 volts or more. This makes the servos typically stronger and move faster, so the servos seem better, but in doing this consumes more power from the battery. In the chart below, both ratings are listed (if available).

For example:

In the example above, the torque rating of 45 oz-in is at 4.8 volts and the 56 oz-in is at 6.0 volts. Similarly, the speed ratings of 0.20 seconds and 0.16 seconds are for 4.8v and 6.0v respectively. Here's a handy converter to convert between oz-in, kg-cm, and other units: Measurement Converter.

Also, for each different brand of servos shown, some of the extreme values (minimum and maximum for weight, torque, speed) are colored in blue text in the tables below. Some servos listed also have links to where you can get more information or how to order.